Fill-Rite Bulk Transfer Series Pumps Now Available

The Bulk Transfer Series is Fill-Rite’s latest line of high-quality fuel pumps that are ideal for refueling off-road and heavy equipment.  A line of self-priming centrifugal pumps designed to withstand the harshest work environments to provide users a reliable solution to fuel transfer.  Segregated into two class: mobile and stationary, each pump is constructed from heavy-duty cast iron and the highest quality materials to ensure a return on investment from years of service.  The FuelTraveller™ is Fill-Rite’s mobile solution with the capability of moving up to 130 GPM through a 7.5HP gasoline-driven engine that is designed with a spark-arrested muffler, sealed toggle ignition switch, shielded ignition wire and refueling splash guard.  A lightweight aluminum support frame provides easy maneuverability and is ideal for tank-to-tank transfer or on-the-go refueling.  Fill-Rite’s PetroleumPro™ is their stationary, self-priming centrifugal pump series with a range between 95-125 GPM across three models.  Straight-in suction design combined with a closed-coupled impeller and explosion-proof motor; this series has very limited moving parts and is very easy to service.  Fill-Rite Bulk Transfer Product Line is compact, movable, easy to install and a reliable, cost-effective solutions for long-lasting results.

For pricing and lead times call Energy Equipment at 1-800-852-8186, option 1 or email

Fill-Rite Petroleum Pro

Fill-Rite Fuel-Traveller

Kingspan Diesel Tanks Available Today

CHS Energy Equipment has a limited supply of Kingspan Diesel tanks. Due to increased shipping costs and lead times, CHS Energy Equipment will no longer be restocking these items. Current in-stock tanks are available to ship next day.

The Kingspan Diesel Storage System Goes Anywhere. Easily lifted by lifting eyes or by forklift. Internal baffle wall reduces liquid movement during transportation.  Specifically designed area under lockable lid houses pumping equipment in a secure leak-proof area and prevents unauthorized access.  Includes 12V DC pump, 19′ 8″ power cable with battery clamps, 12′ flexible delivery hose and automatic nozzle.

Call CHS Energy Equipment at 1-800-852-8186, option 1 for pricing and availability.

779731 – TM114 – 114Gal Diesel Dispensing System
779735 – BTM53 – 53Gal DEF Dispensing System

Bottom Draw 1,500gal DEF Tank Package – Available Today!

CHS Energy Equipment has a readily available 1,500gal Bottom Draw DEF tank package.

This DEF tank package is intended for indoor use and all fittings required to connect the pump as well as 2” Stainless Steel Top Fill Lines and a Parker 2” Male Stainless Steel Dry Break. The tank is manufactured with a DEF hanger bracket that can be used with your normal IBC DEF Tote Hanger systems.

*DEF pump kit is not included.

Package Includes:

QTYUOMDescription 1Description 2
1EASNY 1500SW1500 Gallon, 86″ x 72″ tank
1EASNY 34300013Nonvented Manway
1EASBD 00000172Tank Wrap
1EASNY 34702764Tote Mount Bracket
1EASNY 347027712″ SS Fitting, Hose Fill Line Ass includes 2″ ss bolted tank top fitting, ss elbows, ss nipples, ss adaptors, 2″ DEF hose, 2″ ss ball valve w/ 2″ ss male camlock & dust cap
1EASNY 341001042″ Bung EDPM Poly – in tank
1EAPLY P22″ Poly Plug for above fitting
1EASBD 9110723″ Bulk Tank Breather Vent
1EASNY 622993″ Bung EDPM Poly – in tank
1EASNY 347015962″ Double flanged fitting – SS
1EASNY 3411482″ Siphon Tube
1EAS4B 2X12″ x 1″ SS Reducer bushing
1EAS4L S11″ SS 90 deg street elbow
1EAS4N 1X31″ x 3″ SS nipple
1EAINL 1SSLL1″ SS Ballvalve
1EABAN HB100-751″ MNPT x 3/4″ Poly Hose Barb
2EASBD DEF-PRIME.88oz for thread seala
2EASBD DEFSEALA1.69 oz liquid thread sealant
1EASBD 911080KleerBlue Decal
1EAMEI TNKDRAWDrawing Approvals/Logistics

Call CHS Energy Equipment at 1-800-852-8186, option1 or email us at for pricing and details.