New Price Decrease on Otodata Monitors

Otodata propane tank monitors can help eliminate the likelihood of an empty tank. Plus, tank monitors create efficiencies and increase the safety of propane systems, whether it’s for your customer’s home or their entire operation.

New pricing levels on the Otodata Remote Ready Tank Level Monitors are not only lower, but offer greater savings when purchasing more. Tiered Pricing is:

$89.95 each for 1-99 Monitors
$82.95 each for 100-1999 Monitors
$77.95 each for 2000+

Tank monitors are devices secured to the outside of fuel tanks that track the fuel level inside. Both property owners and propane distributors have access to the frequently updated readings to ensure tanks have enough fuel to keep a home or operation running smoothly.

Where tank monitors really shine is their notifications. After the alert feature is activated, the device will send a refill alert to both the tank owner and their propane distributor.

Here are 6 ways propane tank monitors increase safety and efficiency.

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